Making It Better Making It Better

Making It Better

North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration

Making It Better

There is currently no specific regional Making it Better programme. Some aspects of this work are being considered / taken forward within regional paediatric networks or the regional Child Health planning Group.   

Details of the work carried out previously are below. 



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Making It Better – a focus on children and young people’s health services

The aim of Making It Better is to work across the six North of Scotland Health Board areas to understand current services for children and young people across the region, prioritise areas for improvement and recommend longer term improvements.

To this end, we have:

  • Identified key priority areas and carried out desk-based research and a stakeholder questionnaire to further refine opportunities for improvement.
  • Built a network of engaged clinicians and managers who are collectively analysing opportunities for improvement and helping to drive through change.
  • Established a steering group consisting of an Executive Sponsor (Susan Webb), Regional Clinical Lead (Professor Steve Turner), Child Health Commissioners for each northern health board and the Public Health Network Co-ordinator.
  • Held a series of stakeholder workshops in 2020 and 2021 to explore ideas for improvement through regional working.
  • Conducted a piece of research to investigate the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic response on children’s health services and to identify innovations emerging from the experience.

Making It Better was initially established as a two-year programme (to run from August 2019 to July 2021). However, due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, work focusing on children and young people’s health services is now being supported via the Regional Hub. 

Two pieces of work that the Regional Hub is have recently supported are:

  • Scoping options for a regional approach to out of hours CAMHS provision.
  • Mapping interventions to promote healthy weight in children and across the region to identify gaps and opportunities for regional working.

Past Events

Wednesday 25th November 2020

Webinar: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic Response on Children and Young People's Healthcare Services - click here to view a recording of this session


Thursday 4th February 2021

Stakeholder Workshop: The North of Scotland Making It Better programme held its third biannual
stakeholder workshop on Thursday 4th February via Microsoft Teams

Programme Documents

Contact Details

If you have any queries about the programme or would like to be added to our distribution list please contact us at