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Find out what's been happening in the North of Scotland Innovation Hub Network

Tayside Innovation MedTech Ecosystem website launch

The Tayside Innovation MedTech Ecosystem (TIME) website has now launched. TIME is a collaboration between NHS Tayside Innovation and the University of Dundee, designed to encourage innovation and co-creation of solutions to real-world healthcare problems. TIME will achieve this through effective partnerships between academia, the NHS and industry. TIME provides a front door to the healthcare innovation ecosystem in the region.

TIME is a platform and physical environment with the TIME Innovation Hub located on the Ninewells Hospital site in Dundee.

Between them NHS Tayside Innovation and the University of Dundee have a variety of resources and multidisciplinary expertise. NHS Tayside Innovation plays a vital role in supporting innovators within the healthcare system, guiding them through the process from initial discovery phase to successful deployment and integration into practice.

Find out more about the resources and benefits of TIME on the website:

Tayside Innovation MedTech Ecosystem (TIME) | University of Dundee, UK

Health Innovation Junction: Where Ideas Meet Impact

The Health Innovation Junction: Where Ideas Meet Impact event took place on 18th June 2024 at Eden Court in Inverness, co-hosted by NHS Highland, the North of Scotland Innovation Hub, Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) and Techscaler.

The aim of the event was to bring together stakeholders in NHS (including support agencies), academia and businesses to network, exhibit and discuss the challenges being faced in healthcare delivery and explore the best new and emerging technologies from industry that could create transformational change.

NHS Innovation teams from across the region attended, as well as a range of exhibitors, academia and industry partners.  There were plenty of opportunities for learning during the Elevator pitches, presentations from key note speakers, introduced by Fiona Davies, NHS Highland Chief Executive, and informative fireside chats hosted by Techscaler.  Delegates were able to get to know each other during speed networking sessions and browse the trade fair (check out the delegate pack for more details).

Delegate pack

Photos of Eden Court exterior, Bishop's palace hallway and red roof interior. Event title, date, venue.  Logos of Chief Scientist Office, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, UHI, Techscaler, North of Scotland NHS Innovation Hub.Photos provided by Eden Court.

NHS Tayside Innovation Dragons’ Den

NHS Tayside Innovation provided an exciting opportunity for budding innovators within the NHS Tayside workforce to take part in their first Dragons' Den event on 25th April 2024 within Ninewells Hospital, Dundee.

Six brave finalists pitched their innovation ideas to the Dragons and were delighted to all walk away with an offer of funding from NHS Tayside Charitable Foundation to undertake their project over the next twelve months with support from NHS Tayside Innovation.

The event helped showcase the talent and passion of NHS staff in Tayside, and the support available from NHS Tayside Innovation. Events like this are so important in encouraging grass roots innovation, and the varied pitches covered a diverse range of specialities.

The success of the event has shown that everyone in the NHS has the potential to be an innovator!

Check out the video from the event below:

For more information about NHS Tayside Innovation please email or visit the website:

North of Scotland AI Strategy - April 2024 Update

  • What should people working in health and social care be doing with their time?
  • How can we make those precious hours count?

In an era of unprecedented financial and workforce pressure humans should really only be doing things that are uniquely human; things that can’t be done by software or other technology.

In the same way that washing machines have replaced wash day and a quick check on your phone has replaced a trip to the library, we need to use available technology to remove more low value tasks from humans in the health and social care environment.

This is the main message of Spending Time Where it Counts: an Artificial Intelligence Strategy for Health & Social Care in the North of Scotland. The Strategy lays out in simple terms how we can achieve this: how we can build on existing successes with AI in the region and increase the adoption of Robotics, Process Automation, Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics.

The strategy was drafted by a multidisciplinary group and was endorsed by the Chief Executives and Chief Officers from across the region. A public consultation took place in late 2023 and the strategy has now been published.

An implementation group is now forming in order to take forward the recommendations of the strategy.

Please follow the below link to explore the strategy in full.

Time Where it Counts Report landscape.pdf

Dr Steve Baguley, Clinical Director of eHealth, NHS Grampian, Chair of the Writing Group

NoS Networking Day - December 2023

NHS Grampian were delighted to host the The North of Scotland Innovation Hub Network Event on 14th December 2023 in the Sheddocksley Baptist Church in Aberdeen City.

The event was attended by members from across the hub, along with external partners and industry members. The day was a huge success with the theme of "less presentations and more conversations", with the focus on creating opportunities for everyone to contribute to the day, and stimulate thought provoking discussions.

The keynote speakers for this event were:

Eric Doyle - Managing Director from The OGV Studio who shared his TEDx Talk "Passion Will Get You Moving."  Learn more at:Eric Doyle Passion Will Get You Moving

John Greig - Technology Strategist from Microsoft shared a presentation on "Exploring the Potential of AI in Healthcare."

Both sessions were thought provoking and engaging discussions that we hope have inspired the team to look forward to what comes next in 2024.

The afternoon session was broken up into interactive networking sessions with some of the project partners from NoS showcasing demonstrations of their projects and products. This session was well received by all and we extend a massive thanks to all who came along and took part.

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Networking day in Inverness

The North of Scotland Innovation Hub hosted a successful in person networking and development day for its members in April 2023 in Inverness. This was attended by NHS innovation teams from across the region. Presentations were provided by many interesting speakers, from local innovation teams and from elsewhere in the UK, and a variety of interactive workshops took place.

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Innovation Fellowships

The North of Scotland Innovation Hub has appointed three clinicians to Chief Scientist Office (CSO) funded Innovation Fellowships. The Fellowships are targeted at early stage innovators working within NHS Scotland. The Hub supports the Fellows to ensure their success, development of programmes of work, and lay the foundation of their continuation as innovation leaders post-CSO funding.