About the Alliance About the Alliance

About the Alliance

North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration

What is Imaging?

Imaging is a cross cutting service which is interlinked in most patient pathways and plays an important part of diagnosis and ongoing management of many conditions. Imaging services are usually categorised as either “Interventional Radiology” or “Diagnostic Radiology”.

Interventional Radiology – generally procedures which are used to treat conditions, however also has an element of diagnostics

Diagnostic Radiology – uses various imaging modalities to support diagnosis   

Workforce pressures and increasing demand have been driving collaborative approaches to service delivery across Scotland, over a number of years. These collaborative approaches are patchy and at times difficult to implement, due to governance processes and aligning corporate responsibilities (financial, delivery, planning etc) with the need to deliver sustainable service in each board.