National Clinical Management Pathways and Regional Clinical Management Guidelines National Clinical Management Pathways and Regional Clinical Management Guidelines

National Clinical Management Pathways and Regional Clinical Management Guidelines

North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration North Region Health & Care Collaboration

National Clinical Management Pathways and Regional Clinical Management Guidelines

Guidance for healthcare professionals on the clinical management pathways and regional clinical management guidelines for patients with cancer in the North.

National - Clinical Management Pathways (CMPs)

Clinical Management Pathways (CMPs) have been developed nationally by clinicians and represent clinical consensus on best standard of care for cancer patients within NHS Scotland.  Where relevant, these pathways incorporate national advice or guidance on treatments such as health technology appraisals from the Scottish Medicines Consortium and the National Cancer Medicines Advisory Group, SIGN guidelines, and other Scottish or UK wide clinical guidance or recommendations.  They have been developed, in collaboration nationally, to support equity of access and minimise unwarranted variation in practice. 

The content is password protected and will be updated on a regular basis.  Healthcare Professionals who would like access to the CMPs should register through this form to receive password information and essential updates regarding the content and platform.

NOTE: The password and the content of the password protected CMPs should not be shared.

Pathway Group CMP Title Published
Breast Breast Cancer September 2023
Lung Lung Cancer September 2023
Adult Neuro-Oncology Neuro-Oncology September 2023


Regional - Clinical Management Guidelines (CMGs) 

The North Cancer Alliance (NCA) have developed guidelines setting out how patients can expect to be diagnosed and treated in the North of Scotland for each individual cancer type - these are called Clinical Management Guidelines (CMGs).

The guidelines are specific to treatment in the North and aim to ensure a consistent experience for patients across the region. CMGs are regularly reviewed by the relevant Tumour-specific Pathway Board. The Clinical Director for each tumour group is responsible for the CMG and ensuring compliance by healthcare professionals in the region.

For patients from the North who are treated elsewhere in Scotland, there are CMGs available for clinical care in South (SCAN) and West (WOSCAN).

In support of the CMGs, there are also protocols for the safe delivery of Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapy (SACT). Further information on SACT protocols is available here.

To ensure CMGs remain up to date a review process has been developed. Further information on the CMG development process and the triggers for a CMG review is available here.

The approved list of CMGs by cancer-type can be downloaded in PDF format below. Please note all CMGs are subject to a rolling review with a new draft produced every three years.

NOTE: Documents marked * can only be accessed using a NHS networked device.

Pathway Group CMG Title Published
Brain & CNS Link to National Guidelines  
Breast Breast Cancer Surgery Guideline November 2020
Colorectal Anal Cancer April 2021
  Colorectal Cancer April 2021
 Gynaecological Ovarian Cancer May 2024
  Up Front Surgery for Advanced Ovarian Cancer August 2019
Haematology Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) April 2023
 * Scottish Consensus Clinical Management Guideline for Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma.pdf March 2024
 * Scottish Consensus Clinical Management Guideline for Follicular Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma December 2020
 * Scottish Consensus Clinical Management Guideline Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia September 2022
HPB Link to National Guidelines  
Lung Link to the Scottish Mesothelioma Network / British Thoracic Society (BTS) guidelines for Mesothelioma  
Sarcoma Link to National Guidelines  
Skin Cutaneous Melanoma July 2021
  Referral Guideline for Mohs Surgery October 2017
 * National Cutaneous Melanoma Follow-up Guideline October 2022
Upper GI Gastric Cancer September 2023
  Oesophageal Cancer September 2023
 Urology Bladder Cancer July 2023
  Prostate Cancer May 2024
  Prostate Cancer: Bone Health July 2023
  Testicular Cancer October 2020